Thursday, August 20, 2009

Old Toys

Just recently I've come across (not to say come across, I did a whole lot of digging to find out the name of it, then youtube the name to find videos of it) this: Star Saber.

Yeah, yeah, you guys who haven't seen the likes of it might say I'm old or whatever. Anyways, make fun all you want, but this is one badass robot, I tell you.

Star Sabre is the leader of the Autobots in the Transformers Victory Series (well, that kinda gives you a hint, no? Victory... A word that Japanese like to use in their anime, e.g. Transformers Victory... Street Fighter Victoy...). Also, looking at the choice of weaponry, I'd say it's Japanese. Only the Japs would think swords are better than guns. And they like to let their characters use both at the same time. Very obvious.

(Don't you just love the way they pronounce the word "transform"? Like its the end of the world and if he doesn't transform there won't be a second chance already)
Anyways, the special thing about this guy is, it has 3 main parts:

1. A small bot (don't know what his name is, or even if he's a "he")
2. A small plane, which can be attached to a bigass ass to become a bigass plane
3. The bigass "ass"

OK, the coolest part is, small bot comes out of small plane, small plane transforms into medium guy (named Saber, if not mistaken), then small bot gets into medium guy's empty chest, forms the head, so medium bot is formed.

So for some idiotic and only comprehended by the Japanese reason, the bigass ass transforms into a big body, so that medium bot fits into its chest and together they form a big bot, after the medium guy performs some crazy gymnastics with his leg, obviously. So then the big helmet flips forward, big bot is formed. So idiotic part is, if it can be so big, why does it need to be medium and small in the 1st place?

So here you go.

This toy is obviously a classic, even though it really looks very old and not flexible if you compare to the new Transformers Animated (which I've been watching a lot lately... OMG I must be becoming an OTAKU) figures, which are more dynamic and much more appealing.

I remember I used to go to my hometown's Parkson every week to look at that Star Sabre toy. I had always wanted it when I was small, and too bad my dad wasn't too wealthy that time so I only had one transformers toy in my whole life, and it wasn't Star Saber. I went and look at it every week till the day the local Parkson went bust. T_T

I sort of still remember it costed some RM130 or so. Guess how much it costs now on ebay? 10 times that price. 10!!! Thanks to Otakus, I now learnt that besides properties, toys would increase in price too!

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